Arvend Applasamy

Malaysia Country Coordinator, Arvend Applasamy is oftentimes associated to two things; Youth Activist and Global Youth Player. Holding the position of the Youth Assemblyman for 5 consecutive years, Arvend has ventured out in helping the community with his own funding as he believes that with leadership comes great responsibilities and sacrifices. With this modus operandi, he has managed to contribute to many poor families during major festivals celebrated by different races in Malaysia every year. Currently, Arvend is also leading a full-fledged youths NGO with representatives from schools, universities and workplace to works on charity and education by empowering youths to become leaders of tomorrow.

With all these in hand, Arvend has also set foot in Global Youth programs in 6 countries this past 5 year. Through these global programs, Arvend has not only shown active participation during the program but has also set example outside the program. Arvend has records of contribution in the form of groceries to the local community in each country, hence influencing the youths to do the same. Arvend’s journey will continue and with the Global Youth Parliament as the backbone, he vows to use the youths as a tool for the community’s development.