Moses Siwoko Kayambu

Deputy Country Coordinator


Namibia Deputy Country Coordinator, Moses Siwoko Kayambu is a Namibian citizen from Rundu in Kavango East Region. He is a hardworking, brilliant young economist scholar. He is the founder and Chairperson of Dynamic Youth Organisation in Namibia, an organization that advocates for radical youth change in various aspects such as youth involvement in agricultural activities, investment projects, promotion of unity, peace and solidarity among youth in Namibia. Mr. Moses is a youth who is multi tasked and a specialist Economist graduate from Namibia University of Science and Technology. He worked in various governmental ministries such as in Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform as a Polish Analyst where he worked with drafting annual reports for the ministry at large. He also worked for Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as an Assistant Economist where he gained most of skills of being an economist.Mr. Moses served in Namibian Youth Parliament debates in 2017 and he is a qualified public speaker, where he gives academic, political and economic talks among youth in their country. He mostly focuses on multi-youth national issues such as high rate of unemployment among Namibian youth, high rate of pregnancies among young citizens, high usage of drugs and alcohol abuse to mention a few and engages with relevant stakeholders both in local and at international level to find solutions to this issues.